Farah Shaer is a Jordanian director, creative director, and producer based in Dubai. After graduating from Brown University, Farah started her career as a creative producer working in television in L.A. She cultivated her love for storytelling and her passion for bringing those stories to life. 

Farah has translated that passion to directing and creating stories for brands such as Coca-Cola, KitKat, Rani, and, most recently, Sephora. Farah currently holds the role of creative director at Sephora Middle East, where she has been pivotal in bringing regionally relevant stories to life. Farah has created and directed multiple ad campaigns for the retail giant, two seasons of their short animated series “Wanasa with Sephora” and the Sephora reality YouTube series “Sephora Squad.” 

In her free time, Farah dabbles in photography, animation, and creative writing.

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